Reviews & Ratings for
Interstellar (2014)

Daring and Refreshing Sci-Fi
Blend of Science-Fiction & love taken to whole new different level. Comparing it to Gravity which felt nothing more than visually appealing documentary (at least to me), Interstellar is bumpy roller coaster ride right into the space. Music score was incredible.
I couldn't comprehend the all the details and solve all space time mystery in movie but hey its relativity and quantum physics and 5th dimensions and paradoxes we are talking about. If I could, I would have been sitting by Stephen Hawking discussing the future of Universe. A small leap of faith worked for me.
If possible, do watch it on IMAX screens. Its a movie to be experienced.
say that to Nolan...
btw you need those resources(whatever Saturn has and Earth doesen't [I thought we had the same sun and saturn is all gaseos) grow food in space , why do humans need to be physically present there, just grow food "there" and consume on earth, you didn't need to solve that "quantum equation" then :P
...and did Murph cooper/Nasa save just whites/their family only while rest of the world was left to die?

Btw what "quantam" data did TARS collect that helped murph to solve the equation? was travelling into a blackhole, part of Plan A? if not, why didn't TARS directly beam them back rather than morse coding it.
Piyush Arya
Yes we could have transported food if Nolan was able to create a local Metro from saturn to earth completing 2 round trips in a day.
Do they have to show every human being they saved ? I think that is implied.
TARS can't because or nobody other than cooper can communicate. There is a lot of reference of love throughout the movie. "Love is the one thing that transcends time and space". No other astronaut is deeply connected to their family. AFAIK love is shown to play a major role in that.
Don't leave your brain at home
I felt like a kid watching this movie. Wanting to ponder over whatever memory I had remaining of physics. It felt like being lost in a different world. Very rarely have there been movies that have so much intellect. Christopher Nolan has craved it to perfection. This is a must-watch for all school kids, definitely makes you realize the beauty of physics.
Well, at some point, I thought the movie was nonsensical. But, that was because of my lack of knowledge on physics (never really liked that subject very much :P ) Later, I learnt from my friends about how things were moving, I was amazed to learn that. This movie makes you think, think harder.. !! And, rightly said - 'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.' - That describes the movie so aptly.
Director Nolan woke up one day, and he thought: "21st century needs its own version of 2001: A Space Odyssey". And so, he decided to make Interstellar. Well, I might be exaggerating. After all, 2001: A Space Odyssey was an economical failure in the time of its release, and it was as the years went by that its huge ambition and influence on the science fiction genre was recognized. So, time will tell whether Intersteller deserves to occupy that same cultural niche. But in my personal case, I think Interstellar is a brilliant science fiction film which will stay in my memory for a long time. To start with, the ideas exposed by Interstellar are fascinating, audacious, and they belong to the level of "serious" science fiction we rarely find in mainstream cinema. And besides, the ideas are raised with a certain subtleness which makes them more universal. For example, the catastrophe which threatens humanity is ambiguous on its shape, but clear on its effects; on that way, the screenplay filters an ecological message which doesn't feel as such, but as an integral part of a vast story, letting the audience assimilate it in order to enrich the experience. In the same way, many of the subjects from Interstellar reside on the periphery of the drama, making us seek them instead of having them spoon-fed. The actors make an excellent work in their roles, highlighting Matthew McConaughey and Mackenzie Foy. My only disappointment regarding the cast was the reduced screen-time from Michael Caine and John Lithgow . Both make a perfect work in their roles, and I truly wanted to see them in an "acting duel"... but they only have one brief scene together, and they barely exchange a few words. I also have to mention the beautiful images and space views created by the studio Double Negative. The special effects share the previously mentioned subtleness, discarding the "space porn" from Star Trek or Guardians of the Galaxy in order to implement a more realistic vision, centered on the vision of the astronauts, where we see only what is necessary in order to understand what is happening without distracting us from the human drama which always leads the film. On the negative side of Interstellar, I will only mention three things: to start with, we have the occasionally forced sentimentality from the film, which feels a bit out of place inside the fascinating story; I also felt the late introduction of an unnecessary villain a bit out of place; and finally, I disliked the lacking of "science" in this excellent science fiction film. On the one hand, I understand the fact that Interstellar decided not to spend time with every single "realistic" detail of space travel, but on the other hand, some big licenses are too notorious (for example, the gravitational equation and its relationship with a space phenomenon). Nevertheless, those complaints didn't avoid Interstellar from being a memorable, fascinating and hugely satisfactory experience. So, I don't know whether Interstellar is truly a landmark which will re-define cinematographic science fiction for the following decades, but it's definitely one of the best films I have seen this year, and another example of Nolan's maturity and talent as a filmmaker. I like the science fiction with the emphasis on science, but sometimes, the emotions are more appropriate to tell stories about humanity and hope.
The Sci-fi of this year!!
Though the movie was a bit slow and bot the halves appeared to be out of sync where in first half the movie moved too slow and in the second half it moved too fast. It would have been better if more of the other planets and the other dimension and the people from the other dimension were shown.
Critics apart, Nolan has created a real good eye candy out of a story that you can call, nothing. No description about how the Storms on earth started, why NASA was abandoned, what went wrong, etc. but the movie keeps you glued in the second half when the travel to other planets starts. He has tried to mix space exploration, emotions, human instinct, love, attachment, etc. very well.
Overall the movie is a must watch in theater to enjoy the visuals and the drama.
(P.S.- I also Liked the movie Coz it had an Indian Air Force Drone, though it was lost and got as far as America, and New Delhi Found mention in Sci-Fi movies :-p)
One hell of a journey
Love is the one thing that transcends time and space...
Definitely best film of this year and possibly one of the greatest science fiction films to have ever graced the screen. Visual range of the picture is incredibly beautiful. New worlds, insanely beautiful and mysterious space, wormholes, black holes, and travel through them, folds of time and space are arranged so that is simply breathtaking.
Hans Zimmer's score was amazing and blended perfectly with the film. The first thing I did after returning to my room was putting the soundtracks on download.
You will forget reality
You mind will be blown so many times that you won't be believe and you forget its a movie and you are watching it seating in a theater. A straight 10 for the movie. I can't write too much otherwise spoilers will ruin your experience while watching is one.
Bottom Line: You have watch nothing until this movie in your life.
I am not normally a fan of sci-fi and futuristic films, but I must say that this one did blow my mind from minute 1. It has a very realistic plot that could definitely be the case in Earth sometime not to far in the future. I think that the highlight of the film are the 2 relationships father-daughter, especially the main one. I just wished the end was more intense, philosophical and realistic; i think it was quite utopic compared to the rest of the movie...and finished in quite a simple, easy manner after the complexity of the rest of the plot. But, in general, definitely a #mustWatch & one of my #favorite sci-fi movies ever.
This movie is a #visualTreat . Everything about the movie is awesome. I really like how the movie #binds you with itself. It is #imaginative and #futuristic. One may fail to understand the concept if youre not very attentive. A
Solid A-...Nolan went for upper-case EPIC and ended up with lower-case epic. More humorous than the trailers suggest (in a BRO-sense), sometimes the music and sound were perfect, other times it was hard to hear what the characters were saying...but the actors hit their marks, the movie went by incredibly fast for me despite the running time and so many homages to sci-fy movies...all slightly twisted/different but there. As usual w/Nolan movie, all the plot points are there for the asking and almost EVERYTHING is foreshadowed. Afterwards I had a stimulating conversation w/my wife as to what was going on in the film as I've ever had on a film we saw together. She LOVED the interactions between all the really is a talking heads movie w/great action scenes and visuals in-between. The reviewers who have said it's a great my reaction too. It mashed up Apollo 13, Inception, The Right Stuff, 2001, etc....but he missed upper-case EPIC by a few millimeters.
Christopher Nolan is hands down one of the best directors of all time his films rarely disappoint and Interstellar is no exception. The visual effects are absolutely stunning and the story is so captivating and thought-provoking, It isn't one of his best films but it still hits the right notes for me and the score is breathtaking.
Can't go wrong with nolan
The visual of the movie matched with great performance from the actors and the music from. Hans makes this a must theater watch but what makes it a great movie is its director.Nolan as always is at top of his game and delivers with this movie as he as done with his previous works
The script and the direction is quite brilliant. The whole story is awesome to begin with and Mr.Nolan is such a great director that his direction itself makes the film so cool.
The visual effects are just mindblowing and rightly used. Every bit of the film is a beautiful thing- from the tidal waves to the black-holes and the five-dimension place, that it's simply difficult to comprehend.
In a nutshell this is a win from the very beginning with the father-daughter relationship being the greatest highlight of the film. #win

Perfect Science Fiction
The movie is the kind that anybody would expect from Nolan, will definitely set you thinking. This is a fiction movie that non fiction movie fans will definitely like (like myself). The ending seemed a little confusing and very less believable than the other parts of the movie, but got to appreciate the level of thinking that has gone into all the scenes. Matthew Mcconaughey has not failed to impress his audience as usual.
Transcending through space and time, straight to the heart
This is a spoiler free review of Interstellar, starring Matthew McCaughney, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chaistain, Mackenzie Foy.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word-Science Fiction? Action? Visuals? Vfx?
And what if I add a term, Drama? Emotion?
What would you first think of?
I'd say Interstellar, and only Interstellar. That's the basic premise I could form for this film.
A visual Extravaganza made with the right amount of visuals, drama, and most importantly love. This film beautifully captures the life between a father and his daughter. Christopher Nolan has yet again not failed to surprise us with his new space venture, that has many stories, all concluding down to one.

The film is set in a futuristic world, which does not have large buildings , and flying cars or very advanced tech. No. The setting is more of an apocalyptic one, where the Earth has stopped sustaining crops, due to frequent sandstorms. Crops can't grow well now. The warning has rung that Earth is slowly becoming inhabitable. The world needs no more engineers. It's all about time when humans become extinct. So NASA recruits Cooper(played by Matthew), to do an interstellar travel through a wormhole that appeared 48 years ago, and you know, save the world. The adventures form the crest of the story.

The storyline is a very basic one, but the scientific terms might tangle you. But it does'nt harm the film in any way. An apocalyptic setting, makes it more interesting and you will not feel bored for even a moment. I really loved the way emotional attachment between a father and his daughter is depicted. This father-daughter setting is more prevelant in the story rather than the apocalypse or the interstellar travel.

Christopher Nolan has yet again delivered a masterpiece. Just like you loved The Dark Knight, Inception, you'll again love this one. I think I don't have anything to say more on this. You'll comprehend me when you watch this flick.

Hanz Zimmer has yet again proved his mettle of giving life to the film. After successful collaborations with Nolan on Inception ,The Dark Knight, you can add Interstellar to this list. Each second of score fits perfectly to the scene and the emotion it wants to convey. I really liked the score of the Cornfield Chase scene, and the ending almost brought me to tears. All praises to Zimmer.

The whole does a good job. Matthew and Jessica are the main cast, and they deserve the real praise. Mackenzie was great as a kid, Anne's role was also good, though I personally think she should have been given more significance. Micheal Caine was also good. All the cast did a stellar job.

Technical Aspects:
Visual Effects had a great role in the storyline, and they did justice to the film. They were just OUTSTANDING. Film editing was also good. Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, and all the other technical aspects were handled well.Shooting with the IMAX cameras was a good decision, as it did full justice to the film. The whole technical crew deserves a praise.

I would recommend to watch this drama, not just for the visuals or the performances, but also for the emotions that were effectively conveyed.
MY RATING:9.5/10
Perfectly shot space travel film. Christopher Nolan did a great job with this film. He knows what he wants to show on screen. I studied about most of the science used in the plot line of the film. Except for some things everything was fantastically shot.
Acting: Matthew McConaughey did a fantastic job with his character as Cooper. Anne Hathway was pretty good with her character. Rest of the cast was also wisely chosen and fits the story.
Film: The story of the movie was good. Although the screenplay was little weak at some points. The storytelling was not at its best of Nolan. Cinematography and Music were good.

Final Verdict: If you are a space science fan, this movie is for you. Due to cinematic liberty, some scenes you might find weird to happen in space, but most of the film was good. Not for a person who is far away from space science.

I give it 9/10.