Interstellar Review

Piyush Arya
  • 4.5/5
Daring and Refreshing Sci-Fi

Blend of Science-Fiction & love taken to whole new different level. Comparing it to Gravity which felt nothing more than visually appealing documentary (at least to me), Interstellar is bumpy roller coaster ride right into the space. Music score was incredible.

I couldn't comprehend the all the details and solve all space time mystery in movie but hey its relativity and quantum physics and 5th dimensions and paradoxes we are talking about. If I could, I would have been sitting by Stephen Hawking discussing the future of Universe. A small leap of faith worked for me.

If possible, do watch it on IMAX screens. Its a movie to be experienced.

say that to Nolan...
btw you need those resources(whatever Saturn has and Earth doesen't [I thought we had the same sun and saturn is all gaseos) grow food in space , why do humans need to be physically present there, just grow food "there" and consume on earth, you didn't need to solve that "quantum equation" then :P
...and did Murph cooper/Nasa save just whites/their family only while rest of the world was left to die?

Btw what "quantam" data did TARS collect that helped murph to solve the equation? was travelling into a blackhole, part of Plan A? if not, why didn't TARS directly beam them back rather than morse coding it.
Piyush Arya
Yes we could have transported food if Nolan was able to create a local Metro from saturn to earth completing 2 round trips in a day.
Do they have to show every human being they saved ? I think that is implied.
TARS can't because or nobody other than cooper can communicate. There is a lot of reference of love throughout the movie. "Love is the one thing that transcends time and space". No other astronaut is deeply connected to their family. AFAIK love is shown to play a major role in that.