This series is not for everyone. It's like a typical Hollywood movie with some humanoid creature. Although personally I liked the series. Those people who want a solid story might not like it much.
Yet another hit from Netflix
I had a great time binging this series. The music is so exciting that you don't want to skip intro. There were moments in series where you will be like..why? are they stupid?? but it doesn't steal the charm of the show. The characters are lovable and the show keeps you on the edge.
Exciting And Engaging
After seeing so much buzz on social media about the show, I thought to give it a try and it didn't disappoint me. Every character has played their role really well, was about as perfect as you could ask for. The show is the combination of both funny and scary moments that really pulls everything together.

Season 1 starts with Will lost in Upside Down and how his friends bring him back from Upside Down make the whole story of fir st season. There were few instances where you were really amazed with the things going forward, be it the way Will mother talking to him in Upside Down or how El used his powers to help Mike to know where Will is. The first season belongs to El, her friendship with Mike, the way she fought with Hawkins Laboratory scientists. But there were few things in the last episode that didn't make any sense like why Demogorgon didn't attack on Hopper and Joyce in Upside Down and how El got full strength to fight Demogorgon when he is not able to stand 2 minutes prior. But overall, first season is exciting enough to make you wait for further seasons.

Season 2 is mainly revolves around Will where he got affected by a virus from shadow monster and used him to destroy the Hawkins. How Mike and his team helped Will to destroy the shadow monster and remove virus from Will's body makes the story of second season. Also, it revolves the story of how Nancy and Jonathan bring the reality of Hawkins laboratory to the public and prove that they killed Barb. The season becomes better with every passing episode and similarly to season 1, the last episode was amazing with El using all her powers to close the gate. The depressing moment of the season when Bob got killed. He is really a superhero that everyone will remember in this show forever.

Overall the last episode "The Gate" wrap up the story nicely with lots of compelling possibilities for Season 3.
Piyush Arya
Just finished season 1 and loved it. :)
After hearing so many great things about this series me and my family decided to watch it and once we started we couldn't stop, we watched all four seasons in 4 weeks and it was amazing. Every season offered something new and engaging and the characters are some of the best I've seen. If you haven't seen stranger things you are missing out.
Stranger Things is an American science fiction horror series by Netflix. Set in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana, the show follows the story of four friends who discover supernatural lurking around in their town. The show is very well conceptualized by the Duffer brothers and aces the element of mystery. It has become a pop culture phenomenon owing to the performances and the story. Winona Ryder shines as Joyce Byers and so does the rest of the cast. Season one is the strongest with season 2 being weak and season 3 being the weakest, however, the relationship dynamics between the cast makes it for a good watch.
SEason 3 Review
Season 1 of Stranger things was the best nostalgia trip of the 80’s packaged in a mystery and adventure. Season 2 felt a bit stretched out to me.
Now we have Season 3 out on Netflix.
I took a while to review this since I didn’t binge watch the series. I saw 2 episodes a day. This was done purposely so that the show doesn’t overwhelm me.
This show is one of Netflix most popular shows and really well known. So there is always high anticipation for the new season. I didn’t see any of the trailers to keep it spoiler free.
Lets start out with, this is better than season 2 but not as good as season 3. The story is still upside down related and the writers have had to REALLY stretch out the concept to still take place in Hawkins Indiana. They do this by introducing a huge shiny new mall in the sleepy old town. But I feel the next season should move to new locations rather than sticking with the same out place.
The characters are all growing up really fast and a lot of time in the show is spent detailing their love lives. This is something the duffer brothers are not really good at. Every scene which was between a couple, be it Mike and El or Hopper and Will’s mother Joyce was painful to watch and really not as engaging as the other part of the adventure.
Next we have the bad guys, since this is set in 1985, the Russians as the villains makes total sense, but they are badly underutilized. Not to mention there is such a random Terminator-ish character who accomplishes nothing is also an excess which we could have done without.
Stranger things is slowly going past referencing or feeling similar to 80’s nostalgia to in your face 80’s references. Which is not as interesting.
But not all is bad! The season is pretty good and plenty entertaining, although I felt the first few episodes were very slow and not much takes place. It picks up pace halfway through the season.
Rating : 7/10. This is a must watch for fans of the show and anyone who is new to this, do binge the previous 2 seasons as this is NOT a standalone sort of series.

This is a #mustWatch for all the Science Fiction fans. I loved this series even though I am not a Sci Fi fan yet it was really #entertaining and #intense at the same time. Since the release of Stranger Things Season 3 , people are taking much more interest in this web series and binge watching it from Season 1. This series also give lessons on pure and true #friendship between 4 boys and their friendship is tested when one of them disappears. In the first season we can see full struggle of the people of the town to get the disappeared child back while in Season 2 things really change . The female protagonist Millie Bobby Brown plays a very strange yet effective role.
A perfect series for halloween or a winter might.
The story starts with a young boy Will, vanishing in the woods. Trying to find this boy, his friends unlock the supernatural mysteries of the town and also find a strange little girl.
It is Netflix-original series. Most of the screen space is taken by teenage kids, but their acting, throw of dialogue and the engaging content is what makes the series even liked by adults.
Arousing Humbug creativity! Set in the 80s, it takes us down the memory lane. Superficial, supernatural activity intriguing our psyche in a very proficient way. Cant compete season 1.
STRANGER THINGS 2 seasons were just like 2 seconds, now I’m not sure what to do, feeling the arrival of the end of life. That’s how interesting it is. 9 out of 10 by IMDb and 94% by rotten tomatoes, no presence of ghost but enough thrilling.

So the synopsis is this thrilling Netflix original drama stars Golden Globe-winning actress Winona Ryder as Joyce Byers, who lives in a small Indiana town in 1983 -- inspired by a time when tales of science fiction captivated audiences. When Joyce's 12-year-old son, Will, goes missing, she launches a terrifying investigation into his disappearance with local authorities. As they search for answers, they unravel a series of extraordinary mysteries involving secret government experiments, unnerving supernatural forces, and a very unusual little girl.

That was about the season one, well the first season is strange and the second season is more stranger. The series is directed pretty well that you sink in the story. The plot moves so smoothly and the story accelerates with different things happening at different places at the same time and screen play happens in parallel.

So these kids play their routine games late in the evening, on their trip back home, Will Byers goes missing, that’s how the story begins and ends with the upside down theory which means the existence of an other dimension.

And this girl with supernatural powers stands as the backbone to the story, as she opens this gate to the other dimensions which creates chaos in Hawkins town, which she doesn’t do intentionally in an experiment conducted on her by the government, who are back guys here.

The second season is what makes the whole Stranger Things interesting, after saving Will, who was stuck in the other dimension, he becomes the host for the virus in season 2

and this virus uses Will to dominate the planet, by spreading roots in the underground. There’s only Hopper, Will’s mother, his friends and a few others, on whom the responsibility lies, to destroy the virus before it spreads.

The best part of Stranger Things is the cast and their top class acting, all the actors have done well, that’s why the show is interesting enough to watch without break. Every bit of the show is perfectly planned and executed, the cinematography, music, fabulous editing and not forgetting those mind blowing special effects. Duffer Brothers, who created this web series, hats off!!!

A must watch for those who like fiction and not forgetting the horror lovers. And season 3 is expected.

Small but Brilliant
Ever seen a bunch of 15-year-old as leads who make you addicted to the show. Stranger things is one. It is set in 1983 in a small town called Hawkins in Indiana where it all started with the disappearance of Will Byers who goes missing after playing Dungeons and Dragons in his friend Mike’s house. Everyone searches him for days and days and finally believes that he is dead except for his mom who still thinks he is alive and is communicating with her through lights and few impulses. After knowing about the scientific research going on in the Hawkins laboratory and the “strange things” happening over there opens up a new perspective to the missing case of Will Byers and also introduces us to the whole new world of Upside down, Monsters, weird creatures and also a new character called Eleven or El who helps these kids find their friend. There is nothing more we can say about this without spoiling the whole show
The way the story is set up with its 1980s background and a fantasy thriller genre is justified by its visual, the character portrayal and the story. A single mother, weird scientific research, the clothes, the buildings everything. The Duffer brothers effort to pull off this theme worked out. This was also supported by the quite small and extraordinary cast of Kids and Experienced actors such as Winona Ryder etc. They also capture both the “simpler times” feel of a bygone era, but also the grim reality of that time, with the perpetual threat of war and the way heinous crimes were so often swept under the rug. Will’s disappearance sparks a town-wide manhunt and media coverage, but when a second child vanishes, it’s dismissed as a teenage runaway.
This show which is a mixture of Stephen King, Speilberg and all those mystery childhood stories which we read as kids brings back the nostalgic feel to it which made us attach to the series and not to mention, The cliffhangers every episode ends with. This probably has the best cliffhangers in a TV show ever which hooks you up and forces for a binge watch. The best thing about this shows is the way the viewers perspective on the characters change from bad to good and how every character contributes to the show in a significant way which most of the shows failed to address.
Overall its just brilliance from a bunch of kids and a small cast which hook you up with the show right from the beginning of the pilot with their mindblowing acting and fast-paced story which is easily binge-able and won't take you more time
A Must Watch
“Nothing ever happens in Hawkins they said”
Hawkins is a small town in Indiana where Hawkins National Laboratory performs research and experiments for the United States Department of Energy. In the 1980s, a human lab experiment of the Laboratory with telekinesis abilities open a portal to a new world called the upside down. Also during the same time Will Byres goes missing after being attacked by a strange creature. To find him, Will’s Mother Joyce Byres and Chief of the Hawkins Police Department Jim Hopper join forces and begin their investigations. During the same time Will’s friends Mike, Dustin and Lucas befriend a runaway and mysterious girl Eleven who helps them in their parallel investigation. Will’s brother Jonathan Byres and Mike’ sister Nancy Wheeler begin their own investigation to find the strange creature with help from Steve, Nancy’s Boyfriend.
Absolutely Thrilling. That’s the first thing that comes to mind after watching the first season of Stranger Things. Unique idea and concept by the Duffer Brothers, strong acting performances and great direction has made the show an instant hit despite next to no promotions. Winona Ryders as Joyce Byres is very convincing as a single mother with a lost kid. David Harbour as Jim Hopper gives another strong performance of a police officer with a troubled past. The younger cast is effective as kids whose friend goes missing and innocence to find out about their friend and welcoming an unknown kid (Eleven) and helping her. Visuals create a 1980s look and the music also defines the 80s pop era. Visual effects and storytelling are spot on making this an addictive show. The character development, particularly Steve from a high school bully to a hero fighting to keep Nancy safe, is also shown beautifully and Joe Keery does full justice to the role. The review would be short and simple: Just WATCH IT. Because no review can do justice to the amount of suspense in the story.
Stranger things is a suspenseful Sci-Fi TV series which takes through parallel universes and horrific monsters. The Duffer Brothers have done a masterpiece with the young actors who perfectly blend with the atmosphere of the 80's. This is a very addictive TV series and doesn't let move from your seat once you have started watching. It mainly revolves around the mysterious disappearing of Will in the town of Hawkins. It shows Will's friends,his mom and a police officer trying to find him, lost in another place called "The Underworld".Apart from this it also has a little Teenage romance.The bone chilling monsters and the amazing story line definitely put on the top 10 must watch list.
#bestOfScifi .
Is a must must watch!
I think this series is a mix of #nostalgic and #bestOfThriller . The shows touches the soft corner of our hearts that is childhood and it doesn't fail to keep us hooked to the screen for excitement of the scientific- fictional thrill. I highly recommend it to all for binge watching! Its a
Good but over rated
Do you believe in monsters? If not, then Stranger Things is sure to make you change your mind. This Netflix Original contains a mixed bag of genres that include Sci-Fi, Drama, Fantasy and of course the thrill factor, allowing its viewers to travel on a roller coaster of emotions.

The Duffer brothers sure worked their creative side to the limit, creating this phenomenal show that has taken the world by storm. With perfect cinematography and special effects, Stranger Things will surely leave you with goose bumps and the thirst for more.

Predictability is a minor downer, but does it really matter when you’re dealing with the horrors of creatures from the other dimension?

Overall a great show to binge watch and complete owing to only 2 seasons with 10 episodes each but a little over-rated in my opinion.