Star Wars - doesn't fail to impress
The last Jedi is a film written and directed by Rian Johnson. Finally!!! After all my busy time was over I was able able to watch this film. It was great for cinema holders to actually have this film after 2 weeks!! The trailers didn't show much which is quite a positive thing, as you have not much things to hope for. BUut after seeing this film, I can say that this film is an entertaining film.

Plot: Rey goes to Atch-To to request Luke Skywalker to help out the Resistance in their mission while Resistance Leaders try to escaping the repeated attacks of the First Order.

Story and direction: This is the eighth film in the franchise. But the excitement in me is never less considering I happened to be introduced to this film series only 2 years ago. As soon as the title and with that the opening crawl appears along with John Williams' famous score, my heart just fills with nostalgia. We have the beginning as a great battle sequence in space, which doesn't fail to impress. This sequence just amped up my expectations. Then we shift to Luke and Rey. I can say, that those sequences involving these two characters were the best. We can clearly see the kind of regret that Luke suffers from. That's what touched my heart. The credit for this arc goes wholly to Rian Johnson. Also, Rey not giving up hope on Luke was impressive. The sequences where Kylo Ren and Rey connect with each other too were impressive. It was I guess the first time where we saw a kind of sequence where the villain and hero (heroine in this case), actually talk to each other (although being in different place). It's was good to see quite lot of Poe and BB-8 in this film. Poe was missing quite a lot in Force Awakens, but this film gives a lot to Poe's character. And I liked it a lot. Admiral Holdo was one of the new character's in this film. Initially I kind of hates her, because of her becoming that character who just doesn't listen but towards the end I liked her character. Also seen more was Snoke, which was quite supressed in Force Awakens. Now let's talk about Kylo Ren and Hux. I loved Kylo Ren in this more. We see a more evolved person in this one. The twist introduced to his character in the end just startled me. We see a much more darker side to Kylo Ren. Hux as a character who is a kind of Morf Tarkin was quite likable. I thought we would only see some glimpses of him. The lightsaber battle towards the end was awesome too.The visual effects were great. John Williams always impresses me with his scores, he just never disappoints. Now the negatives. It would be the Canto Bight sequence with Finn and Rose. Initially I thought that was quite an important sequence, But then towards the end some revelations made me feel like "Why the hell were those sequences in the film!!!!" Also the final sequence on Crait felt a little elongated. Although I would say the action in that sequence were the best, but it felt it was adding to the runtime of the film (which is by the way the longest runtime in the franchise of 152 mins).

Performances: Mark Hamill was at his best as Luke Skywalker. Daisy Ridley was great too.Adam Driver has showed us how great an actor he is. Carrie Fisher was great as Leia; she will be missed a lot. Oscar Isaac was also good. Laura Dern and Domnhall Gleeson didn't fail to impress. Anky Serkis yet again proved why he is the master of motion capture. It was great to see Frank Oz back as Yoda. Anthony daniels was great too as my much loved C-3PO. John Boyega and Kelly Tran were good. Benicio Del Toro is a great actor but the characterization of his character was not goo; he was underutilized.

Favorite Scene: There were 2 for me. The first would be where Luke tries to teach Rey about experiencing the Force for the first time. The second would be the confrontation between Luke and Kylo Ren towards the final act. That scene was just jawdropping.

Verdict: I haven't seen any film of Rian Johnson. But with this film, I can say that he is quite an excellent director. You seen just feel the love that he has for films and especially Star Wars. He took the film to a direction which I liked a lot. Yes this film is not perfect, it has a few hiccups. Although I still would say The Force Awakens was a better film than this, The Last Jedi still doesn't dissappoint. As a Star Wars fan, atleast I wasn't.

I am going with an 8/10.
A visual masterpiece
This isn't gonna go the way you think it is going to go. This is the biggest takeaway from this movie. One double twist to another. This is the most different star wars movie but at the same time the most star wars movie ever. Things go in a dark direction compared to Awakening. There is some appropriately used comedy to balance that so that where the Finn Character comes in along with the porks . This is the heaviest movie thematically in the franchise, the use of color red throughout. A visual masterpiece. the CG looks amazing there are some crazy space battles, Jedi fights. Rain Johnson did a amazing job directing the actors and the technical stuff. Every character has a Arc no one is same at the start of the movie this is very rare in a franchise film. longest star wars films . I won't call it the greatest star wars movie but it is an excellent film
Entertaining Despite the cliches!
Can the Star Wars Franchise EVER leave the shadow of the Original Trilogy and become something new and amazing?

Well, it Might… but the Last Jedi is not that movie.
Don’t get me wrong, this chapter in the Star Wars franchise is pretty damn good. So let’s start with the plus points...


The movie starts out with quite a bang and other than a slight slowdown in the middle, it has a great pacing, some amazing action sequences right up front and a great second half.
The acting is a LOT more improved than the force awakens and Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker has done the role of his lifetime. Daisy ridley somehow looks prettier despite her sever hair style and john boyega is consistent. Oscar Isaac as Poe is given a lot more to do and he delivers the good stuff. The Late Carrie Fisher is also REALLY good as General Leia.
BUT This film is not out of the structure of Empire Strikes back AND Return of the jedi, merged into one… that is the predictable part of this film, but it does give new twists to those old clichés.
Unlike Rogue one, this movie doesn’t fell fully fresh and original, some parts yes, some parts not so much.

I REALLY HOPE episode 9 ventures into new territories as the Original Trilogy is all tapped out…
The music is good as it is with Every Star wars film…
The VFX, Cinematography etc. are all top notch… nothing less than what is expected from a star wars films, but I as a person, DESPITE enjoying this film a LOT still miss how ORIGINAL the Prequel trilogy of episode 1-2-3 were. EACH movie was SO distinct from the previous one and they kept getting better with each new sequel.

This movie is a bit clichéd, derivative, still entertaining, good fun, lots of humor, some GREAT cameos and good surprise moments.

Rating : On Par or slightly better than The Force Awakens, I rate it a solid 7.5/10.
For series new comers this film is UNWATCHABLE and will make NO SENSE. You have to see Epsidoe 4-5-6-7 OR at least Episode 7.

Having given a rating, I just need to say, I had a lot of fun watching this film, it was Star Wars, but not the way we used to see it, its like a outsiders remake of Star wars. Fans may not like it, but I liked the film overall despite the plot points being slightly reminiscent of the older films AND the new BattleStar Galactica’s First Episode of the First Season.

Last but not the least, (SLIGHT SPOILER) a Scene towards the end of the film is SO Baahubali / Rajnikant / Telugu movie types, I had to laugh out loud, it was a cool scene, but SO OVER the TOP!

The last jedi is second movie of the sequel triology..
The supreme leader Snoke attacks the base of resistance and bla bla ....
As same as the force awakens this movie also has some good fighting scenes ...
The fate of luke Skywalker can be seen in this movie and yes the war is just begun..
Most of my Star Wars memories are from the discussions, memes, Rogue One and one of the episodes more than a decade back. Given the limited background, I enjoyed the movie. This was definitely better than the last episode and different than typical StarWars movies. Thick plot, unexpected twists and nostalgia around it made it a memorable movie.
I'm tired of every instalment in the sequel trilogy being the start of the war and the hope. They need to stop.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.