Reviews & Ratings for
Spotlight (2015)

A must watch for people who like investigative thrillers.
Investigative films are one of my favorite genres and these movies a few and far in between. All the kings men, Frost/Nixon, JFK are some of the notable ones… Now We can also add Spotlight in that list.
This movie chronicles the story of how the Spotlight team at the Boston Globe discovered a massive cover-up in the church and exposed it…
Despite how sensational this movie could have been made, they decided to keep it realistic and VERY un-dramatic and fact based. That is what makes this movie brilliant.
Direction: Masterfully directed, it’s a bit slow at times, but packs all the narrative punches that is required.
Cinematography: A bit lacking and it makes the film bit dreary and mundane. They needed the cinematic punch packed in ‘Mr. Robot’ for this kind of a film, but it’s not bad... Just plain.
Acting: Amazing performances by all the lead cast and the cast is truly star studded. Micheal Keaton does another amazing job at his role, understated and grave he is said to be so accurate in his re-enactment of this character that the real person it was based on, said it was eerie seeing a mirror image of himself… Apparently the REAL reporters spent a lot of time on the sets to make it authentic and it shows… You believe these are reporters and not movie stars acting the part out. Mark ruffullo is good as usual…
Music: Nothing overdone, get the work done. Nothing more is expected or needed.
Rating : 9/10
Isha Chakraborty
Definitely adding this!
Maria Ray reviewed Spotlight
Spotlight is about a team of specialist journalists who investigated a claim about pedophilia and
molestation against one priest, which quickly unravels to become a scandal on a national and a global level, and which involves many more priests than anyone could have possibly imagined

In an overall thought: Wow. It's such a thought-provoking movie, which reflects the struggle that people who have been abused endures in the fight to make known the sad truth. The acting was strong, particularly from Rachel McAdams (Sacha Pfeiffer) and from Mark Ruffalo (Michael Rezendes).

In particular- One thing that stood out for me was how realistic the movie appeared to be in that, it was almost like the viewer was being told that the story was on hold, and we could feel the emotions. Thanks to the amazing acting from every cast member.

I highly recommend watching this amazing film. It's a different type of film and, if you are like me, you'll contemplate not watching it after reading the description but after watching it, you'll be glad you did.
Awards ceremonies, professional critics and anyone who hasn't seen or remembered All the President's Men and 2006's Deliver Us From Evil too well are eating this up like a chocolate sundae with sprinkles, sauce, cream and three cherries on top, and I can kind of see why? I mean, it's one hell of an apology for The Cobbler, but...

While it assembles its facts well enough to provoke the interest and fear it aims to achieve, and avoids touching any sort of style that could make it come across as overtly unique, Spotlight can't help but warrant comparisons to films of its subject matter that dig deeper into the state of press journalists as human beings, let alone strike fuller fright and caution to the concept of a pedophile priest and how terrifyingly universal it is right now. Perhaps it's my developing taste in scripts that scream "give me a goddamn Oscar" that got this kind of reaction out of me, but I just wish I felt something.

*insert every single award it's ever won here* my ass, but in terms of journalistic thrillers it succeeds in its intentions besides award-nabbing far more than Truth attempted to. How this is constantly getting taken over that other Cate Blanchett film, though, I haven't the slightest clue.
pitch perfect
watch this movie to learn what screenplay is ,watch this one for the performance and watch it for the superior execution.

what a take on the subject , the movie rivets its audience with drama and suspense .
every actor nails their performance

loved the movie !!
4.5/5 #mustWatch #insightful #thoughtProvoking #bestOfThriller #oneLiners
Loved each moment of the movie.