Reviews & Ratings for
Narcos (2015)

One of the best shows of 2015
The story of richest criminal in history. Fascinating Enough? Pablo Escobar was the head of Colombia’s Medellin cocaine cartel. He became the 7th richest person in the world, all by drugs money. Imagine you were born in a poor family, in a poor city, in a poor country, and by the time you were 28 years old, you have so much money you can’t even count it. What do you do? You make your dreams come true. And that’s what caught attention of the Colombian Police and DEA. Pablo donated a huge deal of money to develop his neighborhood. When you run out of ways to hide your money, that’s when you give it to the poor.
Pablo was so powerful that, in his prime, he could change ministers, laws. Or the whole system. He was responsible for more than thousands of murders, which included half of the police force of Columbia, a Presidential candidate and supreme court justices. In the United States, the Mafia makes witnesses disappear so they can’t testify in court. In Colombia, Pablo Escobar made the whole court disappear. He used kill anyone who disagreed with him. Which includes his partners. If you make it to the top, it means you’ve killed your enemies. And sometimes, your partners.
He blew off a plane in an attempt to kill the President. He started a series of bomb blasts, just so that President will agree to his terms. The purpose of war is peace, he’d say. Anyone who spoke of fighting Pablo, died. Brave men have a way of dying quickly. With his power, he brought down the whole country to their knees. Colombians say, God made our land so beautiful it was unfair to the rest of the world. So to even the score, God populated the land with a race of evil men.
Pablo Escobar has always been an area of interest for Hollywood, but no one could execute it. Netflix did. This show is thrilling, informative, factual, addictive and brilliant. By the end of an episode, it leaves you with horror and fear. Show is presented by the eyes of agent DEA Agent Murphy. Like listening to an audio-book, his narration introduces us to every character, every event or an incident and keeps us attached to the story.
It is an unique drama which makes us live the lives of people in Columbia in 1980-90s. Narcos is filled with violence, sex and nudity, foul languages and brilliant quotes. Just to present the lives of Colombians perfectly (and Netflix to generate audience in Columbia), half of the show is in Spanish, so you’ll have to rely on subtitles. This is probably the best show of 2015. My ratings? 4/5
a compulsion for mafia maniacs. Based on the infamous Medellin cartel. How world's richest drug lord Pablo escobar and companions penetrated world market. Money, Love, Family, fame and narcos have ensued nostalgic feeling of and has given us knowledge of Despotism.
Prachi Ray reviewed Narcos
Of all the original Netflix programming i've watched so far, Narcos, though extremely binge-worthy, ranks somewhere in the bottom. But that's only because netflix tends to outdo itself with every new show. Narcos is beautiful to see, and has a very interesting story to tell, but with very poorly sculpted characters.

Here's what worked for me: The brilliant setting in Colombia and the authentic feel to the whole scene with the Spanish littered with english. Oh, and Pedro Pascal. I'm tempted to throw in a picture, but that can be distracting, so i'll hold off.

And here's the main reason why i think this show isn't as powerful as it could have been: The DEA agent's character, who narrates most of the story, is very Lacklustre. You don't believe him when he comes in like a Patriot to Colombia, as cavalry in the War against drugs, and you don't believe him when he claims to be tired of it all in the end.

Pedro Pascal's character, the DEA agents wife and many other actors are all characters that are there, but not there. Yes Pablo Escobar is portrayed brilliantly, but without a counterweight yang, there's just too much yin in this show.

PS: I'm going to re-watch this if i ever have to learn Spanish.
Narcos is a Netflix original series available exclusively for Netflix users. It is based on true events of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar who created Medellin Cartel and created an empire of cash from powder(cocaine). He use to produce cocaine in Colombia and export it to USA. The youth of America was highly addictive of this drug which became a serious concern for USA government. It is amazing to watch how Drug Enforcement Agency(DEA) handled situation like this and show perfectly narrated and tried to show the same picture of what exactly happened. This show has got emotions, sex, blood, patriotism and heroism. Anyone who is a fan of action must watch this show. I will rate Narcos 4.5/5.
AMC produced Breaking Bad, HBO produced The Wire, when people started asking " when is Netflix going to produce a show similar to BB and The wire?" Netflix replies with a brilliant show called Narcos. Narcos depicts the rise and fall of Pablo Escobar who was one of the co-founders of the Medellin Cartel. With some clever direction the directors show us how Escobar was successful in smuggling tons of Cocaine across the borders of USA.The narration along with a pacy screenplay makes us an addict to the show. Wagner Moura,Boyd Holbrook and Pedro Pascal(Game of thrones fame) produce some incredible performances and become one of the major factors for the success of the show. The soundtrack of the show gives us the feel of South America. The opening track of the show will be stuck in your mind for days. The cinematography so precise and makes the show a visual treat. Netflix has produced some impressive TV shows and Narcos sits right on top of the pile.Do not miss this show at any cost.
life based
The story develops over time and gets more interesting.Wagner Moura's performance was outstanding andPaulina Ruiz's portrayal in the role as Pablo Escobar's wife is a delight to watch as a support system throughout
Havent seen anyone act so well as Pablo escobar did in this series. The suspense created makes us want to watch the full season in a go. Hats off to the directors.
How far a man's ambition can take him ?
If you are into crime genre, you will fall in love with this show.
Shashank Sonkar
He blows up a plane !
via fb
A vivid and epic take on Pablo Escobars life and activities.
This tv series shows the entire life: good bad worst of mafia called Pablo Escober
Sid rated Narcos
Daniel rated Narcos