"Captain America: Civil War" is an amazing film, I think the Russo Brothers upped their game and showed that the 'Infinity War' films is in more than good hands, it's in great hands. The performances are top notch and all the heroes have their time to shine, some more than others. Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa/Black Panther and Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man make spectacular additions to the MCU and leave you excited ass hell and anticipating their solo films in 2017 and 2018. Chris Evans continues to grow into the role of Steve Rodgers and embodies everything it is to be Captain America and RDJ delves deeper into the role of Tony Stark/Iron Man than he ever has before, he as emotionally invested than he's ever been before. The Vision and Scarlet Witch have very good chemistry and have grown as characters. In a limited role Scott Lang/Ant-Man also shines, he's better than I ever though he would be on the big screen. Great story and superb action sequences, especially the much talked about airport battle which is the apex of action sequences seen in any CBM. Planning on seeing it again today, I think it's the best film in the MCU yet in terms of story, action, effects and overall fun.
Exceeded my expectations
The characters we were waiting for were black panther and of course Spiderman..!! Spidey had a satisfying screen time. Ant-Man plays a "BIG" part in that battle, getting some of the best moments during the fight. Visual effects are amazing and the battles are really good. Marvel seems to have consistent issues in producing decent villains. Like other marvel villain, this villain just didn't work for me. The movie would have done fine even without the villain. The villain in this movie felt a bit, not really out of place, but unnecessary.
Piyush Arya
This is the movie where they nailed CGI and used to to create thrilling action but X-Men: Apocalypse was a huge let down on CGI.
A School Yard fight of SuperHeroes
Captain America: Civil War Movie Review :

Captain America: School Yard Brawl Is a more appropriate title for this film. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the film, but this reminded me of my school days when in the break we used to play aba-dhupi, aka standing in a circle and throwing a ping pong ball at each other. For those 10 minutes, everyone was my enemy, but the moment the break got over, we were all friends. That, in short describes this film.

Plot summary is... Captain America and Iron Man have a fall out over the Sokovia accords and this movie deals with that conflict.

The action is awesome, the direction is top notch, but the stakes are at an all-time low. Unlike Avengers 1 & 2, Winter Soldier, there is no huge change, no fall of hydra or city wide battle. This is a fun romp of seeing your favourite superheroes fight it out in battle royale style.

Is it as pointless as Batman V Superman? not quite, for one thing, the movie doesn’t take itself seriously at all, there are so many self-referential jokes inside it, poking fun at Cap’s shield’s physics is one of them.

Plus the dialogs are hilarious, the comedy moments even during the fighting is laugh out loud and everything said is insanely quotable ! this movie is a walking talking meme generator !
Add to that characters we already know and we love, it all combines into a winning mixture of fun, humour and action.

Scriptwise, both the sides are equally balanced, with no side coming out as right or wrong, its OK to support either side. This movie is also more of sequel to Age of Ultron as compared to Winter Soldier. There is no point seeing this without seeing Avengers 2 and Winter Soldier.

Take this seriously we cant.

Spoilers :
Character wise, Spider-man is definately an stand out, outshining the more sombre and quite Black Panther. Everyone else seems to fit into their roles pretty well. Vision is turning out to be quite an interesting character. No one character went totally wrong in this and everyone does an amazing job. I am now very excited about the new Spider-Man Homecoming movie ! this smart quips and trash talking is so well done in this version.

Rating: 8/10 . It’s fun, its full of action, it’s cool, but it has no weight to it at all. Enjoyable over all.
But how would some one sign an accord without revealing his/her identity? They have to 'sign' using their real name and obviously unmasked( its them and not some comic con cosplayer).
Rohon Nag
the government / UN can keep secrets, Re-dact documents, there have been many real life spies, we never came to know of them. they will hardly go to the media and say ' this person is on our avengers team ! '
Glad to see Marvel sticking to formula of 'fun' and 'humor' with #actionPacked sequences right from the first minute till the end.
Watch it for the #stupendous surprises and #amazing Spider-man cameo. A great start to the summer with good laywork for Phase III.
PS: It may not top Avergers but miles better than Avengers II
Totally worth the hype
There are very few movie series which keep getting better with next installment. Civil War is one of them. They put in so many characters but still managed to justify their action, motivation so well.
Kudoes to their action team. With VFX being de facto standard, there are movies which feel like something is going on and the camera is shaking and audience assumes something amazing must be going on. Then there is this movie where every action sequence is crafted so perfectly that you follow every bit of it and left amazed by its brilliance. Will not mention anything specific but just a head up, its slightly darker in tone (perhaps the most intense movie by Marvel). Go and enjoy it and break some eggs (I don't know what it means).
Piyush Arya
Even the Starks fell for that.
via fb
Max Steel
Tony Stank knows what that means :P
Must Watch. Treat for Avengers fan.
Another good movie in the Avengers franchise. Wasn't like the typical heroes fighting each other, becoming friends and then destroying the common enemy. Kept the action and the civil war going till the end. They tried nicely to connect Bucky and Stark in revenge. However, I think Spiderman wasn't introduced in the way he should be. I was hoping him to be a pro rather than being just a kid who recently found that he has powers. In my version, he would have been chasing an enemy, lets say King Pin, which leads him to Avengers. Thus finding more answers to his past. They totally deviated from the original Spiderman story. Seemed like him and Ant Man were introduced just for humour, more than reinforcements to their respective teams. Three more heroes introduced, I think Avengers directors surely have something good in mind for the next parts. What happens to the winter soldier remains a question. In all, nice movie. Fun, action and humour.
I loved watching this one ! Even from the beginning of Avengers The team up of Captain America and Iron Man is something too exciting to watch. This civil war brings that excitement to a more high level with them being divided into two divisions as difference of their opinion. And the only fact to that in the end captain America gets proved wrong Mr Stark and the rest else.
Best of Cap Trilogy
Captain America - Civil War is a film directed by Russo Brothers. Back in 2016, watching the trailer excited me. But due to some reasons, I couldn't watch it in the cinema. Finally, when I watched it at home, I felt so bad for not watching this film in the cinemas. But still I was satisfied since I got the best that MCU had to offer.

Plot: Due to recent events, the Avengers are divided into 2 factions over an Accord that would oversee the Avengers' activities.

Story and direction: Russo Brothers nailed it when it came to The Winter Soldier. They opened so new dimensions to Captain America and MCU that I couldn't think of. So when announced that they would be returning for the third installment, I was overjoyed. The story encompasses all the events that have happened in the past eight years. The theme dealt with in the film regarding those who still suffer while the Avengers win, so gets attached with you. This is what instantly got me connected. Also we get the MCU dose of entertainment which never is off. The characters, even the new ones although minimal in their roles get their due importance in this film. You can understand as to why a person makes such a decision. Same can be said for the villain too. As usual, production design and VFX are top-notch. Never does it feel artificial, it feels so natural. The action sequences are jaw-dropping. Many people complained of shaky cam been quite often used, but I didn't notice any. Henry Jackman's score is awesome to hear especially during the Bucky-Cap-T'Challa chase scene and the climax in Siberia. I couldn't fault this film even in a single bit even in my 5th viewing of this film.

Performances: Chris Evans is again on par excellence as Captain America. Robert Downey Jr I guess delivered his best performance as Iron Man/Tony Stark. A special mention to Sebastian Stan for wonderfully carrying the role of Bucky Barnes. Same goes for Anthony Mackie. Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson were alos great in their appearances. I missed Hayley Atwell in this film a lot. Emily VanCamp was great. Chadwick Boseman looked promising and can't wait for his solo venture. It was good to see William Hurt Back. Daniel Bruhl also was impressive. Paul Rudd reminded me again why he is perfect Ant-Man. Finally, Tom Holland. It's a Spider-Man that I have been waiting for years. Than you MCU for giving us the Spidey we love to see.

Favorite Scene: When it comes to this many will say the Airport fight or the climatic battle in Siberia. But those are action scenes. Not that I am saying they are not great, but those don't count for me as a favorite scene. My favorite one would be the one-on-one Stark has with Peter Parker as to why he (Peter) gets up every morning. That scene impressed me a lot because of what Stark makes Peter realise in the scene.

Verdict: Civil War is definitely the best that MCU has us to offer. The Russo Brothers again did it. They had a difficult task of handling an ensemble cast and they came out victorious. Can't wait for their Infinity War.

I give it deserved 10/10.
The 2016 Marvel venture that puts a fraction between the Avengers and sets up further events.
Can't think that just one person led to the split of Avengers team 😂😂