Reviews & Ratings for
12 Angry Men (1957)

12 Angry Men is a 1957 American courtroom drama film directed by Sidney Lumet, adapted from a teleplay of the same name by Reginald Rose. This courtroom drama tells the story of a jury of 12 men as they deliberate the conviction or acquittal of an 18-year old defendant on the basis of reasonable doubt, forcing the jurors to question their morals and values.

12 Angry Men explores many techniques of consensus-building and the difficulties encountered in the process among this group of men whose range of personalities adds to the intensity and conflict. It also explores the power one person has to elicit change. The jury members are identified only by number; no names are revealed until an exchange of dialogue at the very end. The film forces the characters and audience to evaluate their own self-image through observing the personality, experiences, and actions of the jurors. The film is also notable for its almost exclusive use of one set, where all but three minutes of the film takes place.

In 2007, the film was selected for the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". The film was selected as the second-best courtroom drama ever by the American Film Institute during their AFI's 10 Top 10 list.

دوازدە پیاوی تووڕە دەکرێت دوازدە بیرۆکە و بۆچوونی تایبەتمەند و جیاوازی نێو سەری خۆت بن دەربارەی ڕووداوێکی دیاریکراو. لێرەدا هەمووشتەکان دەگۆڕێن کاتێک پێتدەڵێن: "تۆ سادیستی".
12 Angry Men:12 Pillars of leadership
The movie ‘12 Angry Men’ shows a murder trial of an 18-year-old boy for allegedly stabbing his father to death. The judge gives the responsibility of the trial to the jury of 12 men with a varied background. It was also said that the jury should come to a unanimous decision based on which the boy would be sentenced. Further, it is shown how the jury comes to a consensus after an initial vote of 11:1 in favour of the child being ‘guilty’ to ‘not guilty’.Juror number 8, who is a poised, thoughtful and logical architect with the help of his emotional intelligence and courageous attitude shifts the dynamics of the jury. He is the only juror voting “not guilty” at the very beginning. He comes out to be the natural leader, who stands by his position and eventually persuades all the other jurors to vote “not guilty” in the end. It can also be observed that how respectful listening and sincere consideration tends to influence others in the group. As juror number 8 continued to be sincere and respectful, other jurors began to take that stance as well. This domino effect led the group to cooperate as a community. The opposing views of the jurors were utilised in order to understand differing perspectives. Brick by brick, word by word, a community was built around these twelve men. The underlying theme that seemed to be presented in the film was that the addition of multiple perspectives would provide different points of view that would eventually lead to the best solutionWith the help of different characters’ various aspects of human behaviour has been shown courage, emotional intelligence, self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship management, diversity, critical thinking, argumentation, value of human life, stereotype, intellectual laziness, larger cause.
One for all ages
Sidney Lumet's debut movie is a masterpiece. The film showcases all the talents of Lumet which made him a director of the finest caliber. The film is set in one location for most part barring the opening sequence and the climax. The film revolves around 12 jury members who have been tasked with determining whether a young has committed a crime or not. The conversations between the jury members are outstanding and helps in keeping the audience glued to the sit. Many of the jury members have prejudiced views and how it changes or not forms the rest of the plot.
A must watch classic. One of the most unique plot ever seen. Plot, and the movie staged in a single room are the docile the viewers to watch. One of the most exquisite movie ever made in film industry.
A very well made film.The film is basically a lesson to learn about human psychology. 12 jury members, 12 different thinking and there is one man who somehow changes the outlook of everybody in the room within no time. All the characters have been portrayed so well, it becomes very simple who differentiate
their mindsets and their attitudes and attributes.
An all time classic film for sure.
One of my all-time favorite movies, 12 angry men is a courtroom drama. A 16-year-old boy is accused of killing his father. What will be his fate on the court? Well, watch the movie to find out. The concept is sharp, the casting is perfect and the movie is a no-nonsense experience. The peculiarity is that it isn’t just the courtroom being shown but behind the courtroom discussions. The viewers are witnessing the whole thing and the movie pushes the viewers into moral conflict. The plot is brilliant and this is why without extensive scenery and many characters the film remains a memorable experience.
The whole movie takes place in a single room,still it keeps u engaged, shows the pyche of 12 ppl in an interesting way
well i'll say the end was forced, but incredible discussion. single room movie at it's best