Latest Reviews & Buzz for
Inception (2010)

Akshaya Priya wants to see Inception
Inception - Dream like reality
With one of the highest ratings on IMDb(8.8), 87% on rotten tomatoes and thousands of 5-Stars on Google, Inception is undoubtedly, one of the best Masterpiece of the last decade.
The movie involves two most precious gems of Film Industry - all time fav ‘Leonardo Di Caprio’ and the most amazing director of films “Interstellar”, ”The Dark Knight”, ”Tenet” and many amazing, spectacular mind-bending movies ‘Christopher Nolan’.

Nolan's oeuvre is definitely one of the most creative outpourings in commerce and cliche-ridden Hollywood.
Nolan has continued to conquer the decade with consistent superhits.
If you thought Memento teased your mind, try savouring Inception.
It will leave you tortured, tormented, ticklish and tantalised with its mindplay all at the same time. And if you think you can actually unravel this mind-boggler in one go, you're asking for the moon. It will leave you longing for one more dekko to get the picture straight....Too many levels of reality, too many things happening and too innovative an idea.

The concept of dream-sharing was extremely fresh and was brilliantly executed. The movie was extremely fast-paced, action-packed, demanded extreme attention and eventually rewards it. This movie is one of the most rewatchable flicks ever made and has aged phenomenally. Hans Zimmer absolutely deserved an oscar for this because the music complimented the film so well.

It is really tough to go out of the box and think of a completely novel idea and execute it and Nolan has smashed the record.

When we wake, we don’t remember the beginning of the dream, what we remember are just glimpses and how we felt during that dream.
Dreams feel real when we are in, it’s only then when we wake up and realize.

Leonardo Di Caprio has played the role of an ‘Extractor’ that means he can enter into anyone’s dream for extracting some information. But things change when a businessman hires him to plant an idea in the competitor’s mind, which seems impossible at first.
Domm Cobb(Leonardo) somehow manages to create three dreams within dream.
Here the factor that plays most crucial and dangerous role is
But do they really succeed? Did he died inside a dream?
For that, well you have to watch the film.