Two months since a strain of mad cow disease mutated to become infectious to humans and turn them into zombies, survivors of the epidemic are advised to use their city of origin as nicknames when meeting other survivors, so as to not get attached to them and protect themselves. Columbus, a former college student with a unique set of zombie survival rules, travels from Austin, Texas, towards Columbus, Ohio, to search for his parents. On the way, he meets Tallahassee, who reluctantly agrees to accompany Columbus towards Ohio. On the way, he mentions to Columbus that he misses his puppy, Buck, who was killed by zombies.

In 1979, a film named Antrum—shot in English but of apparently Bulgarian origin—is submitted for inclusion in a variety of film festivals; none accept it. After each rejection, the various festival directors die under suspicious circumstances. Several years go by during which the film remains unseen until it mysteriously appears at a theater in Budapest in 1988. During the screening, a fire—initially believed to be the result of a faulty projector—burns the theater to the ground. Investigators later determine that audience members set the fire themselves.

Shortly after the death of Charlemagne a girl called Johanna is born in Ingelheim am Rhein. She is the daughter of a village priest (Iain Glen). He also rules his wife (Jördis Triebel) and family with a rod of iron, though his Saxon wife still secretly worships the pagan god Wotan. Even so, Johanna grows up to be an articulate girl, who intensively studies the Bible, unbeknownst to her father. After her eldest brother's sudden death, their father wants to send his second son Johannes to the cathedral school in Dorestad, but when the teacher Aesculapius (Edward Petherbridge) visits them in Ingelheim, Johanna proves to be far more capable of dealing with the Scriptures than Johannes. Against her father's wishes, Johanna is taught by Aesculapius, who introduces her to literary works such as Homer's Odyssey.

Leon is a photographer who wants to capture unique gritty shots of the city. He is crushed when, instead of giving him his big break, gallery owner Susan criticizes him for not taking enough risks. Emboldened, he heads into the city's subway system at night, where he takes pictures of an impending sexual assault before saving the woman. She kisses Leon before running to catch the subway. After she thinks she’s safe, a mysterious man comes from behind her and hits her with a weapon. The next day, Leon discovers she has gone missing. Intrigued, he investigates reports of similar disappearances. His investigation leads him to a butcher named Mahogany, whom he suspects has been killing subway passengers for the past three years.

One year after the Woodsboro killings orchestrated by Richie Kirsch and Amber Freeman,[a] Blackmore University professor Laura Crane is catfished and murdered by her student Jason Carvey wearing a Ghostface costume because of him blaming her for failing. Jason plots with his boyfriend Greg to kill sisters Sam and Tara Carpenter to finish the "movie" that Richie (a classmate of theirs) and Amber wanted to make. However, Jason receives a call from a different Ghostface, who has killed Greg and subsequently stabs Jason to death.

In the small town of Pontypool, Ontario, radio announcer Grant Mazzy is driving on his way to work. During a stop, he is startled by a woman who repeats an indistinct word, and then seems to repeat Mazzy's utterings as she staggers away.

Sixteen-year-old Alice Palmer drowns while swimming with her family at a dam in Ararat, Australia. Her older brother Mathew sets up video cameras around the house to record what seem to be images of Alice's ghost. They consult psychic Ray Kemeney for insight on the apparent haunting, but he is unable to explain. Mathew confesses he set up the "sightings" of his dead sister to give the family reason to exhume her body and give his mother closure, but one of the hoax videos also captures Alice's bedroom being searched by Brett Toohey, a neighbor for whom Alice had worked as a babysitter. After her own search of the bedroom, Alice's mother June finds a hidden videotape showing Alice in a sexual encounter with Brett and his wife.


On Christmas Eve, four months after expectant mother Sarah Scarangella survives a car crash that kills her husband, she makes final preparations for her delivery the following day. Her baby is overdue. Still reeling from her husband's death, Sarah has grown moody and depressed. She turns down her mother's request to stay with her for the night and has asked her employer Jean-Pierre to take her to the hospital for her eventual delivery.

In 1945 a young couple, Dougie and Irene are leaving the homecoming dance. The couple take a shortcut through the woods where they begin to make out. Irene wants to stop, but Dougie attempts to rape her. She manages to injure him, however, so he leaves. As Irene makes her way out of the shortcut, a young boy Benjamin attacks her, hitting her over the head with a rock and killing her. It is revealed that Benjamin has growing health issues and eventually begins to murder anyone he sees using the shortcut. Ivor and the rest of Benjamin's family then hide him away from the rest of the world, by shackling him to the basement by a chain around his neck.

Dr. Will Caster is a scientist who researches the nature of sapience, including artificial intelligence. He and his team work to create a sentient computer; he predicts that such a computer will create a technological singularity, or in his words "Transcendence". His wife, Evelyn, is also a scientist and helps him with his work.
