Toy Story 4 Review

Rohon Nag
  • 3.5/5
This Story has legs!

You've Got a Friend in Me! – The signature song of the franchise starts off the film. The only problem is, Toy Story 3 ended pretty much PERFECTLY! So what was the point of this film other than to sell more toys?

Well… after having seen the film, it does seem more or less pointless. But before we delve into that further, let’s discuss the positive aspects of the film first.

The rendering quality of these Pixar films has become phenomenal! Many things look photo realistic and it is a treat to the eyes. I re-watched all three film in the past 2 days and the jump in technology from part 1 until now is too evident.

The story continues from where we left off the toys in part 3 and overall it’s more of the same. It’s not bad, but it does get a bit repetitive.

The music and voice acting is as always-top notch and the direction is pretty much on point.

But somehow the third part reached a series high and now although the fourth part doesn’t sour its legacy or derail THE FRANCHISE, it feels very needless. We already got a very good emotional happy ending in the previous part, if they make 2 more of these and give us a even more tear jerker sendoff to the toys, then I might see this film differently, but till then I see this as the sequel that’s good enough but not great like its predecessors.

There is not much to talk about without spoilers so all I can say is that, if you like Toy Story films, you will not come out disappointed, but I did feel that part 3 was tremendous and they should have let it rest with that.

Rating : 7/10. Pretty good for a family watch.
