Annabelle Review

Pratik Singh
  • 1.5/5

I had high hopes for this movie having liked The Conjuring but I was sadly disappointed. There were only 4 shock scares throughout the whole movie.It seemed to me the doll was not even possessed, just a demon who enjoyed playing with it. I actually noticed more bloopers then scares. I found the characters where just thrown together with no development and outside characters made no sense as to why they were even in the movie since they added nothing. I believe that this movie would have been best served going strait to DVD instead of being offered in movie theaters. For the lack of any attempt to develop the characters or even attempt to make the doll demon possessed(IE moving around on its own, glowing eyes) The one time they actually showed the doll moving by it's self was portrayed as a demon holding it. Overall it was a major disappointment. Definitely not a must see move of 2014.
