I Love Us Review

Amish Gupta
  • 0.5/5
I wish I could un-see it

What in the world, is up with this show? The protagonist, a successful architect, and a homosexual living with her girlfriend seems like a great starting point for a novel show but don't let that fool you. She is casually texting back annoying cheesy replies to her girlfriend while and drive her BMW to work. The violation of law, amongst utter mayhem that is this show is best left alone in a dungeon where no innocent soul could ever access it.

The acting is awful, with even more awful writing and a non-existent plot line. The only thing to look forward will be some steamy make-out sessions which are again poorly shot and acted. Production is visibly cheap with abhorrent sets, poor lighting, and costume choices. Nothing happening onscreen makes sense.

You can easily spot better characters and acting skills in annual school plays. Don't make yourself suffer through this abominable monstrosity.
