Anish Misra
  • 4.5/5
An Entertaining One Yet Again

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a film directed by David Yates. I remember watching this film back in 2007 since my school took me and not understanding a single word of it. But finally after watching it so many years later, I enjoyed the film.

Plot: The Ministry of magic goes to every extent in order to hide Lord Voldemort’s return.

Story and direction: This is the first film directed by David Yates who went on to direct the rest of the parts and first not to be written by Steve Kloves but by Michael Goldenberg. I could understand the pressure on these two people but in spite of that they deliver. This instalment is the one that has the Ministry of Magic play out its politics. And that is something quite different the series has never tackled before. Also introduced in this film is Harry Potter forming the Dumbledore Army and the anti-Voldemort organisation the Order of the Phoenix. The film has progressed from Harry becoming just a little boy to one where he is fighting Death Eaters. Each character has an added layer of information to itself that made me care for them so much. And it was so beautifully handled. The makers know the importance of these characters and give them the respect and care that they deserve. Also featured inin this film is the biggest action scene ever where stakes are very high. I remember very well enjoying the scene at that time but now knowing all the characters and their motivations, I enjoyed the scene even more. The music in this film is awesome too. But I did have one little issue. And that is the VFX. After so good VFX in the previous parts, here in some scenes the VFX were cringe-worthy.

Performances: The regular cast does so well in their parts that it is very hard to fault them. Imelda Stauton does one hell of a job as Dolores Umbridge. If you thought that ypou have seen enough of evil characters in this series, you are wrong. She is definitely the worst. Helena Bonham Carter also nails it as Bellatrix Lestrange. Although her role is quite short, but it is very effective. And finally, Evanna Lynch is awesome as Luna Lovegood. The way she alliances herself with Harry and the gang is awesome.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one where Fred and George trouble Dolores Umbridge during the OWL exam. That scene was just awesome and I laughed so hard during this scene. It always feels good when an evil character faces such a situation.

Verdict: This franchise knows what it is doing and it is good at it. With every instalment, the anxiety increases as to what will happen next. I had a good time watching this film and can’t wait to see as to what is next. I applaud David Yates and team for bringing another part of so wonderful series.

I am going with a 9/10.
