Chernobyl Review

Sohini Das
  • 5/5
New King of HBO

After the failing to entertain the fans with the last season of Game of Thrones with it's disappointing ending, many fans had started petitions addressing HBO to remake the Season 8 and portrayed their anger but...

That is when, HBO dropped the bomb called "Chernobyl" on our heads. Yes, it's a bomb indeed, the historical nuclear reactor incident named, the Chernobyl Disaster of 1986. After watching episode 1, one can say this was what the fans were waiting for from HBO in 2019. This was much more than any much awaited mini-series can offer.

The 5 episoded series, with its breathtaking cinematography and mind blowing background scores, this is a sheer gem. While the show also serves a lot of political drama (which again we don't know are true or not), but, what has been shown is highly believable and worth watching. With so much scientific and political drama and facts keeping you at the edge of your seat, I can say the better half of the controversial facts shown in this drama is true. Though, everybody has their own take in the same story.

This series is a must watch with Jared Harris and Stellan Skarsgård's constant arguments about the outcomes of any action they take on the reactors, balancing out the scientific and political views in between them to Jessie Buckley's calm character that kept trying to bring out solutions to stop the widespread of the radioactive chemicals that's already in the air.

Making a mini series on a worldwide known incident like Chernobyl, which is yet still highly controversial with the take of USSR in this incident, this was a challenge to recreate and they have won this challenge.

Johan Renck has created a masterpiece that has surpassed top shows like Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad in it's viewership and ratings.

This show is a must watch for every human being no matter how dark or disturbing the actual story might be because this is something, that has happened 33 years ago and most, who have witnessed or known of it then, aren't alive today. People who are alive right now, needs to watch this because yes we all have read about this disaster in our History/Geography/Environmental Studies class, in school but, this is the visual representation of that incident, and we all know, we truly believe what we see from our own two eyes.
