The Disney-Fox Deal: Revamping the Marvel Cinematic Universe

By Shalaj Gupta | 2.9k |

With Disney acquiring the majority of the 20th Century Fox for $51.4 Billions, the character rights to X-Men and Fantastic Four are now back with Marvel Studios. Here is how the Fox Marvel might integrate with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


With the current place, the X- Men franchise is in, its hard to predict the future of the series. The Brian Singer lead X Men movies especially The Days of the Future Past has given fresh air to the series but the timeline mess up has created a really complicated scene for them and it would not be surprising to see the X-Men series rebooted after X-Men: The Dark Phoenix next year in order for the X-Men to run parallel to the MCU in the same timeline opening the options of team up or the famous “X-Men vs Avengers” story lines. Also with X-Men comes Magneto a much-needed strong villain for Marvel which is often criticized for lack of entertaining villains with the exception of Loki till date.


The future of Deadpool is a doubt with Disney not known to making R Rated movies but the chairman of Deadpool clarifying that Deadpool would indeed be integrated with the Marvel Cinematic Universe under Disney and that the R Rated movie will be released under the "Marvel R Rated" banner showing the audience wide and clear whats coming.


Hugh Jackman defined Wolverine. Now that Wolverine is finally going to be a part of MCU, the actor will be sorely missed. That being said, Wolverine also comes at the right opportunity with a Marvel approach reboot helping to establish this important character again as he is the direct link between the Avengers and the X-Men. He is a member of both the teams hence is central to the plans of aligning the X-Men with the MCU which certainly opens some interesting possibilities for the character.

Fantastic Four

The Fantastic Four has been a failure to say the least. None of the Fantastic Four movies have been rated above awful or 37% on Rotten Tomatoes. The recent Fantastic Four reboot in 2015 has a 9% rating on Rotten Tomatoes lowest of any superhero movie with some critics rating it to be “worse than worthless”. The movie bombed at the box office with earnings of $168 million against a budget of $155 million. The movie brought a lot of shame on the studio as well the franchise. With the MCU calendar already packed till 2020, I personally don’t see any Fantastic Four movie coming up now with a Defender like Netflix series the most likely possible.


Now one of the major questions is about the accommodation of these new franchises in the MCU time slot. Marvel has already announced movies till the year 2020 and we should not see any changes to the current line-up. There might be some cameos here and there but nothing serious. However, from 2020, the movie line up will probably in a calendar year with the current 3 Disney movies a year moving up to 4 or 5 movies a year.
The wait has been long but nevertheless, exciting times are coming for all the Superhero Fanatics with some great live action films coming their way consisting of the characters from both the production houses uniting Marvel at last and honestly for good.
Disclaimer: The opinion of the author are his own and does not represent the opinion of the organization.
Shalaj is an avid reader, comic books and superhero movies buff and is currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering from NSIT Delhi.